Thursday 16 August 2012

My past week!

Hello earth! how are you today!?

Loads of things have happened this week that i simply must share with you!

1. I SHAVED MY BEARD! (its not really a huge deal)
I experimented while shaving had had a little fun!

what do you think!? :D

2. i finally got rid of my car. it was broken and i gave it to pik a part! they gave me $350 for that peace of junk! happy happy joy joy!

my car is the one at the back. bye bye car. now its just a matter of looking for a new one to drive while we wait to move back to UK

3. Carly and I (my wife) took our niece and sister in law to rainbow Springs Rotorua. Was great! had heaps of fun!

sorry about quality of picture! but was best one i could find.

4. Carly and I went to hamilton zoo were we got attacked by Kaka's!

so all in all its been a pretty epic week! burnt a hole in the pocket but was worth it!

hope you all enjoy reading my blog! i sure as heck love writing it! any question about anything dont hesitate to comment or send me an email!

catch ya on the flip side!


Wednesday 8 August 2012

Things that make you go WHAT!?

Hello again readers,

Over the past few years my eyes have been opened to things i never noticed before. 

Such as creation..

I love looking at the world now and seeing this amazing place we call home. From the actual landscape to the amazing creatures that fill it.

"We live in a beautiful world" taken from the lyrics of the band Coldplay the only song that i really like by them. Haters gona hate.

But there is one thing in this world that ruins it all. 

Have you guessed it yet?

Human Beings.....US!

Now dont get me wrong. Humans have the potential to be amazing. We are so complex, we are intelligent (some more than others) we can create.

However we also have the potential to be evil..

every single one of us has it in us to be evil. You may say HANG ON THERE MARK! im not evil I've never had an evil thought ever! I'm good and i will always be good. Maybe that is true. It still doesn't change that fact that you still have it in you to be evil.

I look at the history of the human species and i am ashamed to call myself human.

There are the exceptions that make me proud to be human. When i see humans doing good. When i see love between humankind. The kind of love that has no boundaries "Agape" love, unconditional love. The kind of love you see when someone saves another human without any regard for his or her own life regardless of race sexuality creed or gender. I suppose thats why i look to Jesus. Whether you believe in him or not historians agree that he was a real person and that he was indeed crucified. whether or not you believe he was raised from the dead makes no difference. Jesus believed he died for all of human kind because he had "agape" love for humans. If we had even a shred of that kind of love towards one another wouldn't we be living in a different world?

A world without discrimination.
A world without Hate.
A world without War.
A world without Murder.
A world that has peace.

Can you imagine it??? i want that kind of earth.

But it will never happen. Its impossible. For the simple fact that there is evil in this world. People who do HORRIBLE things with no regard for anyone else but themselves. 

This may be a bit of a depressing post. But it is what is on my mind at the minute. 

I try to look at the Beauty of this world and that helps! until someone, somewhere once again does something disgusting and evil. 

All i can ask is those that read this post. share it. and show this Agape love towards your friends and family and even your enemies! for the world will not be a different place until everyone does this.

love you all :)


Tuesday 7 August 2012


I AM SICK!!!!! SICK OF ALL THESE REBOOTS!!!!!! WHY WHY WHY MUST YOU REBOOT TOTAL RECALL?????? I pray that this Cloud Atlas movie THE ONLY MOVIE THAT LOOKS LIKE SOMEONE HAS THOUGHT ABOUT IT AND IS ORIGINAL! is amazing and is the key to unlock the rest of the worlds original screen writers!

what about a movie about me? and my life? that would be more interesting than watching COLLIN FERRAL PLAY A PART THAT ARNY SWEATY KNICKERS PLAYED! I MEAN COMONNNNN!!!!!!

oh and btw, Batman trilogy.......EPIC


My poetry

For those of you that missed INTERNATIONAL POETRY DAY SHAME ON YOU! but! as a surprise i did write a few poems. so enjoy!

Changing of the times

I feel the lord telling me that come Christmas this year its going to be an EPIC change for Carly and I. We are moving to the UK in January which im really REALLY excited about., simply because with Carly im motivated to do great things over there! we already have plans to start our own business eventually which i will elaborate on in the future! As for leaving the Church i am currently in (Capital C) im excited but sad. Excited to see where God will take us! but sad in saying good bye to the place I've called my Christian home since i became a believer. Thats believer not the Justin Bieber version *shivers* I pray that we end up in a Church that focuses on core Christian biblical values. such as caring for the poor, loving my neighbor and all the things that Western Churches seem to leave out of there messages and "Agendas" we need only one ADENDA in a Church and that is The kingdom of Heaven. So LORD! get us there! and if not send us to a church that needs us!


Tuesday 28 February 2012

Bad night

Hey everyone. what a crap night I've had. Carly finished polytech at 3 so i left work to head to my car only to find it had a flat battery... "great" i thought. i proceeded to jump start my car from the church Van to a successful start :) i stopped my engine to run the van keys back into the building. as i returned to the car guess what?...THE BATTERY WAS FLAT AGAIN! i went through the whole procedure again and shot off to pick up Carly. got home relaxed for 2 hours then got out to head to Rehearsals for Prime suspects Comedy Showdown only to find my car was plat again... we live in the middle of nowhere with no bus access. our car is our life line. no car no work no tech no food! got some help and cleaned the battery wires and seems to work ok...for now i will keep praying that my car starts again after work...I'm scared please pray for me. i posted a picture of my worried face for you to see how worried i really am.

Monday 27 February 2012


Wow i haven't blogged in ages. it seems to happen every so often. I wonder why though? perhaps its because my brain poo is emptied and i need no place to flush.....or it could be that i lost interest. i don't know! but i need to keep up the blogging for all my loyal readers....I currently am acting in a Comedy Improv show that rocks! i am a lean mean improv machine i know im "lean" because my wife calls me lean. i know that may just be a nice way of saying i'm getting fat but I'm sticking with it being a complement.

If you want to see my skills as an improviser then get your but onto this page like it and come see our next show which is the 8TH MARCH at SYNDICATE BAR ON THE STRAND
